Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Saying Goodbye

I hate saying goodbye. We have spent the last few months just doing that. I've been trying to understand better what I dislike about it....I guess it's that moments of saying goodbye are so laden with emotions - like my mom cooking us tons of food to survive our first few days in Hubli - there is soo much love in that act, it makes you question why you are leaving! Saying goodbye to family and friends was hard....and then when I showed up in Hubli, I was waiting... waiting for those strings that kept tugging at my heart about working in India to jumpstart!

Having been here for two weeks I have already come to appreciate the way we say goodbye in Kannada (and Tamil) - hogibarthene (poita varain) - I'm leaving and I'll be back. I just feels's never a final adieu! - V