Thursday, August 26, 2010

Vidya's Latest Jewelry Creations on Etsy!

Vid has really ramped up here jewelry designs over the past few months, and things have definitely come a long way since she first sold some earrings and necklaces at last year's Christmas Bazaar in Bangalore. Over the past few months Vid has come up with a ton of new creations and posted them for sale on, a website dedicated to selling handcrafted items directly from the creator. We've even come up with a cool and creative name for the store, Adya Designs! Here's a slide show of some of her latest items:

The rest of the designs can be found here. As this is still an evolving project, we'd love to get feedback.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

We're Alive and Well!!!

Yes, we know that it's been more than 3 months since our last blog post. The need to update the blog was pointed out by more than one person this week, so a big thanks goes out to Emil and the Florritys for pushing us to make a new post. We could come up with a whole host of excuses, but the real reason is that we've been spending all of our free time watch you tube videos of our new favorite Tamilian performer and global phenom, Wilbur Sargunaraj. Here's a clip of one of his top hits, "Love Marriage":

In all seriousness, we've been wanting to post all of our recent adventures and updates, so consider this post just the beginning of our re-entry into the blog-o-sphere...