Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We’re Back!!!

It’s been more than two months since our last post and a lot has happened since then. Here’s a brief review of what has transpired in the last couple of months:

- We relocated from Hubli to Bangalore, although we are still working for the Deshpande Foundation (sort of).

- We traveled to the U.S. and back. During our time there, Vidya received her U.S. Citizenship.

- We started working at the Southern Regional Centre of The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI).

- We attended the wedding of the brother of our good friend Ikram, and showed off our Bollywood moves during a choreographed dance routine.

- Adam traveled to Shimla, Himachal Pradesh to attend and present a paper at a conference on climate change and forestry.

Of course, there were a lot of other fun and interesting things that happened during that time, but these are the BIG events. We will be sure to fill you in more with photos and commentary in the upcoming days.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, the Random Photo of the Week will be back too!

Stay tuned…

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