Tuesday, December 8, 2009


When I think about what I love about India, the first thing that pops in my mind are people, especially the women here. I feel like I have learnt the most from them, whether it’s my mom or the lady who provides us with domestic help, dear Ranganayaki. I would like to give them a blog tribute for being such a source of inspiration to me. Here is one story…..

During our stay in Hubli, I met Shainaj, a very smiley security guard, who smiled so much that often she would cover her mouth as her smiles became peals of laughter. Any interaction with us would bring this reaction, especially when we took the time to talk to her. She also had many questions that were rather candid but cute, such as, why did I marry a white man? Don’t they typically leave their wives behind? She had a shyness combined with concern. I had to explain away many stereotypes but it was fun, because I also learnt so much from her thoughts; things that I would never be aware of otherwise.

One day on our walk to work, we were passed by a woman completely covered in a burqa who suddenly grabbed me. I was shocked for a second only to realize it was Shainaj. She was also on her way to work, which was surprising because she was always smartly dressed in her security guard uniform and cap. As we walked to work together, I noticed she had a salwar on underneath, so I asked her about it and if her husband did not mind her wearing a guard uniform. She said that her husband thought she worked at a health clinic, and did not even know that she donned pants and shirts everyday at her job! She didn’t seem too worried that he would find out!

I love her bravado; she broke so many barriers and social norms that can sometimes entrap women in India. She just did what worked best for her within the limits of the norms, and I very much value and cherish that about her. On the day we left Hubli, she came running over to say goodbye, and gave me a little ring she wore hoping that it would remind me for her! If she only knew…she didn’t need to worry at all! - V

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