Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Tamil New Year!!!

Yesterday we celebrated the Tamil New Year which is called Vishu. The year is based on the lunar calendar from what I understand.

Vishu is actually one of my favorite festivals in India because of the way it's celebrated. Here goes the description. My mom usually wakes us up at dawn, and asks us to keep our eyes closed. She then takes us (eyes still closed) to her where she keeps an altar. She then gives us some water in our palms, and asks us to wash our eyes and open them.

When you open your eyes, you are greeted by a mirror right in front you, flowers, fruits, rice and other grains, basically all the things that are beautiful and essential to your life, including yourself. It's such a great way to start the new year!

A couple weeks back we also celebrated the Kannada new year, called Ugadi. The custom here is also really cool. You start the day by taking a shower, wearing nice clothes, etc. The first thing you eat is a mix of neem flowers which are bitter, and jaggery (raw sugar). Its points to the fact and probably reminds us to accept that life is bitter-sweet. Another really cool idea!

Here are some pictures from both the festivals. Needless to say yummy food consisting of whatever is in season is part of the parcel! Yay for mangoes! :)


  1. What a beautiful altar! As usual, you ate well too

  2. How do they prepare mangos in India?
    (In Thailand it was sticky rice and mangoes every April.)
