Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tons of New Photos from Our Latest Adventure

Adam's parents came to visit us these past couple of weeks, and considering it is so hot in Bangalore, we decided to head back up north to the mountains of Himachal Pradesh. There, we spent some time in Dharamsala, the Indian home of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and exiled Tibetan Government. (his residence is in rear of photo)...

and Shimla, the former summer capital of British Raj...

On the way back home, we also stopped at Nek Chand's Famous Rock Garden in Chandigarh...

Everybody had a great time. We'll upload more photos to the blog soon along with a longer repot on the trip. In case you cannot wait, more photos from all 3 places can be found on our Picasa site.

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