Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The advent of the internet in my life.....

One of the comments that I got from my last entry was that it would have been cool if I had had a blog when I first moved to the U.S. that documented the process of my acclimatization to American culture and life. It got me thinking instead on how the internet has changed so much since when I first moved to the U.S. (I hope you’re appreciating how I avoid putting dates and years down ;)).

Anyhoo....I remember the first time my dad explained what the Internet was. He said it was this vast library that could pretty much answer any question I had. In my mind I envisioned something very Harry Potter-esque....an ancient library with books as far as the eye could see....with really long ladders to access them. If you are wondering about the details of what I envisioned more than a decade ago, it’s because I have photographic memory of certain details in my life, plus what else could you expect after all the British novels we read as kids.

I should also of course mention the first time I browsed the internet. I was a teeny bopper, and the first thing I thought of looking up was this boy band that I was crazy about, who had the unfortunate name of Boyzone. In my naïveté I just typed that in, only to be barraged with a ton of porn sites which I frantically tried to close before my dad came by. Later that day I was talking to a friend about email, and he suggested as I should go to this site named Hotmail, to get an account... in the back of my head I knew there was no way in hell I was even going to attempt typing that! Eeish! I had already been through enough! My first email account was on Rocketmail.

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