Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Jewelery Designs

Vidya's been developing a great set of new jewelery designs. She recently shared some of these creations with a boutique owner here in Bangalore who liked a lot of the designs and offered to host an exhibition and sale at her store "Things" this weekend. For those of you who are here in Bangalore, here are the details of the exhibition:

Date: Saturday, April 3
Time: 11am-2pm
Place: Things
Address: 294/1, Domlur Layout, 7th Cross, Above Corporation Bank, off Old Airport Road
Phone: 080 2535 6678
Incentives: Great looking jewelery, free cookies and drinks

Additionally, for those of you who cannot make it to the exhibition but are interested in anything you see or have feedback, please contact Vidya at

Here is a slideshow of some of her top creations:

Monday, March 29, 2010

What are you missing out at IPL cricket matches?

Check out these awesome videos from when we went to the match of Bangalore vs. Chennai (videos are courtesy of our dear friend Ikky-jaan). This local fan put all the cheerleaders to shame!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Bagel Story

Presenting whole wheat soy bagels with fresh cream cheese!
This Saturday we attempted to make bagels and cream cheese...the process and results are below...overall we gave it two thumbs up! Check it out!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

IPL Mania!

India’s biggest professional sports league, India Premier League T-20 Cricket, recently started its 3rd season and IPL mania had definitely struck the country. It’s obvious that we have also caught the IPL bug, as we have been to all 3 of the home matches for the Royal Challengers Bangalore over the past week. Perhaps our interest in the team has brought a bit of luck to home team, as they currently have a record of 4 wins and 1 loss and sit atop the IPL standings (Note: each team plays 14 games in the season, so there’s still a long way to go). As the RCB theme song goes, Royal Challenges Game for More!

Some highlights from the matches include:

- Nearly catching Robin Utthapa’s sixer in the upper deck (with Adam’s swollen palm to prove it)

- Laughing at crazy Kannadigas dancing in the aisles and on fences between overs while sometimes throwing in a bit of air guitar (and sometimes joining in on the fun)

- Watching all the men drool at the cheerleaders, known as the Mischief Gals!

- Eating personal sized Dominos Pizza and gelato (yum)

- Cringing at the teeny-boppers behind us as they scream out for heartthrob Virat Kohli, “Koooohhleeeee, Koooohhleeeee” (Note: Kohli means hen in Kannada, hee hee)

- Joining 50,000 fans in doing the “Mexican Wave”

Here’s a slide show from the matches:

Finally, if you want to check out any of the matches, you can watch them live on You Tube.

Monday, March 8, 2010

What can you do for me?

During our recent trip to Goa with Vidya’s parents, we had the great idea (NOT!) to drive our scooters from our beach vacation location in Calangute to the state capital of Panjim. Although the trip was less than 15km and could mostly be done on back roads, it did require us to get on the state highway and cross a major river in order to enter the city. Little did we know that our trip over that bridge would have resulted in the need to pull over for a “random” police check (i.e., stop anybody that does not look Indian and/or is not wearing a helmet). Here is how the scene leading up to the police check and the interaction with the kind Goan traffic cops played out…

Adam (while getting on the bridge): Crap! There’s a rotary? There are two bridges here that go to Panjim?!!! Which bridge should we take?,
Vidya (sitting behind on the bike, and grabbing me harder by the moment): Look out for all of the lorries! Just go straight, just go, go!!!
Adam: Can you help me merge? Urrgh!!!
Vidya: Ok,,,slow down, will make sure Ma and Pa follow us too.

Both the bikes safely merge onto the rotary and exit to the bridge.

Adam: Phew!!! (and in my mind: stay calm…almost to the city!).
Vidya: Looking’s way too narrow for any crazy drivers.

As we are getting off the bridge, two traffic cops on the left flag both bikes down. We know that Vid’s dad likely got stopped for not wearing a helmet on a state highway, but we had no idea why we are sitting here too.

Adam: Vid, do you know why we got stopped?
Vidya: Cause you are fair and handsome?! (ie. foreigner alert!)
Adam (cautiously): Good afternoon sir. How are you sir?
Traffic Cop: Haan! (nice looking scapegoat I say!) How are you?
Adam: I am doing well sir. We are on our way to Panjim. How do you get to Panjim???
Traffic Cop: Do you know why we stopped you?
Adam: No sir, I am wearing a helmet, no?
Traffic Cop: Yes, you are wearing helmet. Can I see driver’s license?
Adam (nervously): Um, ohhhh, you want to see my license?
Traffic Cop: Yes, you need an International Driver’s license in India.
Adam (even more nervously): Yes, I know that sir. I have a license, sir, but I ….I left it in the hotel room, sir. Traffic Cop: Ohhh! But you need a license to drive in India. It is a very big fine! 950 rupees ($20 US). Big fine!
Adam: Uhhhh, I just need to know how to get to Panjim? Is this the state highway? How do I get to Panjim?
Traffic Cop: What can you do for me? Vidya: Sir, I have a license from the US. Do you want to see my license from the US sir?

Vidya reaches into her purse and pulls out her barely used Maine driver’s license. The traffic cop scans it over but quickly discards it.

Traffic Cop: You are not the one driving…. Big fine for driving without license in India. 950 rupees. What can you do for me? Huh????
Adam: So is that Panjim? (Waving my hand over) How do you get there, sir?
Traffic Cop (now both confused and amused): Um, well, you needed to take that bridge over, or go straight and then go around the next rotary and head back towards us…. WWhhhat can you do for me?
Adam: So go down, and then take a left??? (like are you sure dude?) So that’s the only way to Panjim? We don’t have to go back?

The traffic cop appears to be tired of trying to extract something from us besides a plea for directions and looks back and sees his colleague collecting some cash from Vidya’s dad*.

Traffic Cop: Who is that back there?
Vidya: That is my father and mother, sir. We are all from Bangalore on family vacation.
Traffic Cop (now showing a big smile because he knows that some money has changed hands and that we are just one big happy family trying to get to Panjim): Okay, make sure that you bring your license next time. It’s big offence to not drive in India without a license. Just remember to go around that rotary up there and head back towards the bridge. The first exit will take you to Panjim.
Adam and Vidya (together): Okay sir. Thank you sir!!! It will never happen again sir. Have a great day sir!!!
Traffic Cop (still smiling): Okay!! Haan-haan. All the best! (He shakes hands with us)

All of us cautiously take off, head around the rotary, and successfully exit towards Panjim without incident and take a huge sigh of relief!
Here are some outcomes of the story:
1. Avoid state highways at all cost when you are an inexperienced scooter driver in Goa.
2. Always wear a helmet when riding on a two-wheeled vehicle
3. When stopped by a Goan traffic cop, the key is to act totally confused and constantly deflect the idea that you have to pay for what you might have done wrong
4. Goan traffic cops are some of the coolest and nicest policemen that we have ever met!

* Note, the money that exchanged hands was only Rs. 100 ($2/-), which was the authorized fine for driving on a state highway in Goa without a helmet. Vid’s dad was even provided a citation that was valid for 24 hours in case he got stopped again for the same infraction.

An 'action' photo of the same traffic cop that we quickly snapped on our way to the airport:

Sunday, March 7, 2010

New Scenes from Lal Bagh

Adam and I visited one of the most beautiful sanctuaries in Bangalore - the Lal Bagh botanical garden. It's incredible to have such a wonderful place with a diverse arrays of trees, birds, monkeys, and stray dogs (just to name a few) in the heart of the city. We even saw some people come to feed ants sugar! It's really a neat place for people watching too. But today our efforts went into capturing the changing season. It's like a winter-spring combo on speed. Many trees have lost their leaves, and they have been replaced with a riot of flowers and bright green new leaves - all in the span of a month! Here are some pictures from our walk - enjoy!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Random Photos of the Week

We saw this nice spread of National Geographic Magazine on a newsstand in downtown Panjim, Goa. Although those still working at NG's Office of Consumer & Member Marketing (Vid's old stomping ground) would argue that only the most recent editions should be on display, seeing all of the old covers from our time in DC made us a bit nostalgic. Adam even had a 3' x 4' blow up poster of the "Growing Fuel" cover in his office at EPA (somebody reading this blog might even be able to confirm whether it is still there).