Wednesday, March 24, 2010

IPL Mania!

India’s biggest professional sports league, India Premier League T-20 Cricket, recently started its 3rd season and IPL mania had definitely struck the country. It’s obvious that we have also caught the IPL bug, as we have been to all 3 of the home matches for the Royal Challengers Bangalore over the past week. Perhaps our interest in the team has brought a bit of luck to home team, as they currently have a record of 4 wins and 1 loss and sit atop the IPL standings (Note: each team plays 14 games in the season, so there’s still a long way to go). As the RCB theme song goes, Royal Challenges Game for More!

Some highlights from the matches include:

- Nearly catching Robin Utthapa’s sixer in the upper deck (with Adam’s swollen palm to prove it)

- Laughing at crazy Kannadigas dancing in the aisles and on fences between overs while sometimes throwing in a bit of air guitar (and sometimes joining in on the fun)

- Watching all the men drool at the cheerleaders, known as the Mischief Gals!

- Eating personal sized Dominos Pizza and gelato (yum)

- Cringing at the teeny-boppers behind us as they scream out for heartthrob Virat Kohli, “Koooohhleeeee, Koooohhleeeee” (Note: Kohli means hen in Kannada, hee hee)

- Joining 50,000 fans in doing the “Mexican Wave”

Here’s a slide show from the matches:

Finally, if you want to check out any of the matches, you can watch them live on You Tube.

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