Friday, January 15, 2010

There Goes the Sun

Today there was an amazing solar eclipse that could be viewed throughout India. Although watched the peak (i.e. "Ring of Fire") on TV during our lunch break, the local watchman also let us see it in person by peering through a soot-laden piece of glass. We'd have to admit that it was pretty cool, although we were also surprised that even though the light outside was different than it normally would have been in the afternoon, it was not nearly as dark as we thought it would be.

Here's some interesting myths that have kept a lot of Indians indoors today. There were scientists on the news dispelling all these crazy ideas, but I am sure that it will still take some time for the general public to truly ignore them. Here is a good review of the general myths and facts:

Myth 1: You should not go out during the eclipse, as exposure to the rays of sun can make you go insane.
Fact: You can go out during the eclipse and the rays of sun felt on this day are the same as any other day, except that they are blocked by the moon, either partially or totally. The only precaution that you need to take is to view the sun through special filters and not through naked eyes.

Myth 2: You should not have food during the eclipse.
Fact: You can safely eat food during the eclipse and there is nothing that can interfere with the digestion process.

Myth 3: Pregnant women must stay indoors during eclipse as exposure to sun can affect the womb and the infant.
Fact: Pregnant women can safely travel during eclipse and undertake any sojourn but they must take care not to look up at the sun with naked eyes.

Myth 4: Eclipses are harbingers of calamities and epidemics.
Fact: A solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes in between the sun and the earth. So, there is no other natural disaster that is waiting to happen.

Myth 5: Pregnant women must not deliver babies during eclipse as the baby born on this day is bound to be affected by bad omen.
Fact: It is absolutely safe for pregnant women to deliver babies during eclipse and there is no bad omen that is waiting to pounce on the new born.

Myth 6: Those who are holding a knife or axe or any other sharp instrument during the eclipse will cut themselves.
Fact: There is a possibility that this could happen because the eclipse could reduce visibility, but the chances are quite slim.

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