Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Adam’s Top 12 Skills Learned/Enhanced While Living In India (not necessarily in any particular order)

1. How to haggle with local autorickshaw drivers and shopkeepers (often in Kannada too).

2. How to show up to a 1:00 meeting by 1:20 and still be early thanks to IST (India Stretch Time).

3. How to make a good cup of chai - Vid’s parents will even drink it!

4. The proper way to do the non-committal Indian head bob in combination with a “yes, yes, okay.”

5. How to ride a scooter on Indian roads without incurring (or creating) an accident. Note: Vidya get s some credit for this from providing back-seat driving jabs to my sides whenever I need to honk, break, stop, etc.

6. Creative writing, both through this blog and while writing 14 reports on ‘effective’ watershed management for Government of India.

7. How to successfully eat a whole plate of curd (yogurt) rice with my right hand without getting my palm dirty.

8. Not-so-quality, yet entertaining, Bollywood dancing.

9. Most of the rules for cricket, including the difference between 20-20, ODI, and Test matches

10. How to avoid paying a bribe to cops for driving without an Indian license – The key is to seem totally lost, confused, and constantly ask for directions.

11. How to effectively look in all directions, including down (poop!) while walking in public places

12. How to eat Indian food that is spicier than my wife and in-laws can tolerate, much to the awe of the restaurant waitstaff.


  1. hahaha. my favorite is the parenthetical poop! watching. :)

  2. Doesn't this mean you are getting good training?!
    ( To be a good Indian husband too!)

  3. vidya...this is hilarious! love ur social network piece too! how have u been?

  4. Napolean would be proud - you have skills.
