Monday, February 22, 2010

Scenes from Goa

We just got back from an amazing trip to Goa, where we spent a good amount of time swimming and bodysurfing the waves, relaxing in the sun, cruising on our scooter, and eating a lot of yummy seafood (with an Indian twist of course). We've got a lot of good stories to tell, but here are a few highlights:
1. Gorging on tasty walnut brownies from Infantaria
2. Drinking Kingfisher shandys nearly every meal
3. Successfully avoiding having to pay a bribe to a Goa motor cop for not carrying a license
4. Narrowly escaping the set of 15+ foot beachwide waves that were just looking to throw us onto the shore
5. Late night shopping at the Arpora Saturday Night Market
6. Reliving Dil Chatha Hai scenes at Chapora Fort

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