Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Reader Demographics

Dear Ardent Readers of Adam&Vid,

Here is a snapshot of yourselves that we have compiled through Google Analytics. Before we used the software, we had no idea how and when people read the blog, what articles they liked, which parts of the world they came from, etc. Though our intention for the blog was to maintain an online diary of our experiences for us, sharing it with all of you has become just as much fun and motivating! So here is a quick synopsis of you....
(Note: These results reflect trends for the month of January)

Yay and congrats to the readers in the U.S. and India!! You mostly form our coterie of close friends and family, thanks for supporting us. It’s just as cool to have a dabbling of readers from other parts of the world. Please keep coming by....

Top city honours go to Bangalore! The only caveat is that the number includes the times Adam or I visit the site, both from work and home (different IP addresses). I know, I know – trying to control those bouts of ADD at work.
Washington is next for all our friends out there....but Braddock, whoever you are, you are beating the rest of the crew! Columbus is in very close contention for third place – you can do it!

So how did you get to our blog? Here are the main sources.....
Seems like posting new articles on Facebook is working out pretty, pretty well! ;)

We were curious as to what organic searches on Google brought you over....it makes an interesting list (especially the last one!)

And finally....here are the articles that got the highest number of hits
photos-from-gokarna 13.9%
things-i-love-about-living-in-benggaloray 11.8%
travelling-in-style-in-bengga-loray 11.6%
random-photo-of-week-11 10.7%
in-grips-of-culture-shock 10.2%
advent-of-internet-in-my-life 9.3%
random-photo-of-week 8.6%
random-photo-of-week-18 8.1%
random-photo-of-week-31 7.9%
scenes-from-development-dialogue-day-1 7.9%


  1. hahahaahahah - "why are pregnant women asked to stay indoors during eclipse"... I hope your post correctly answered that person's query.

  2. we did try to break the myth...but yeah, I didn't ever think we'd show up on that search!

  3. how about nicaragua showing up in the ranks!

  4. It's there Los in the country breakdown...we are keeping tabs on you! hahahah! :) So...when are you and JP coming? Waiting for the heat and mangoes?
