Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Adam's In New Zealand!

I'm in New Zealand for the next month working on a project for Landcare Research that models land use impacts of agriculture and forestry practices on the country's watersheds. Here are some of the highlights of my first day.

1. Arrive at AKL at 5am. Have a quick wash and head off to the office. Feeling well rested because I got a sweet seat in the plane, row 1 aisle of economy class that let me stretch my legs out!

2. Meet all of my colleagues at work. Everybody is super nice and chatty, treating me like I am already their friend. Surprisingly, I have no problem understanding anybody's accent. I leave work mid-afternoon when the jet lag hits and head over to the hotel.

3. Check into the Aarangi Motel, located half a block from the beach. Suddenly don't feel sleepy anymore and take an hour long walk along the beach. Every 1 kilometer or so, stop into a small shop to check the scene.

4. Realize that there is a bi-weekly race called the Stroke and Stride that comprises of a 500 meter ocean swim and 5k run that starts and ends at the beach right in front of my hotel. Decide on a whim to enter. Why not, you only live once!

5. While waiting for the start (literally 30 seconds before the gun), see 3 orcas (killer whales) breach in the middle of the swim course, about 100 meters off shore. Others around me seem a bit nervous, but the race director assures us that it's no big deal. We delay the start for a few minutes for the whales to continue on.

6. The gun goes off and 400+ people (mostly in wetsuits, but me in my speedo) sprint to the water. It's absolute chaos in the cold but bearable sea. I settle into the middle of the pack and just try to survive from being run over or kicked in the face.

7. 8 minutes later, get out of the swim and start running on the paved path along the beach. People aged 12 to 70 are passing me - something I am not used to in the US when I tend to be at the front of the pack. I try to blame it on the fact that I just got off the plane, but realize that New Zealanders are just really into this sport. Heck, they won gold and silver medals in the 2004 Olympic Men's Triathlon.

8. Hang around after the race eating really yummy free sausages, fresh of the "barbie". The race director announces some random names to come and get 'spot prizes.' My name gets called as, "Adam....I'm not gonna butcher his last name, but I think he's American." I walk up and choose some blister proof goo (the other choice was soap for a car wash).

9. Head back to the hotel and try to watch election returns, but end up passing out by 9, which was late enough to see the Republican massacre. At least they didn't take the Senate!

To sum up, a great first day in New Zealand. You can see some more photos here. I'll continue to post during my month-long trip down here.

Cheers Matey!

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