Monday, November 29, 2010

Trip to Rangitoto Island

I took advantage of the amazing, but hot, weather on my last full day in New Zealand to take a 20 minute ferry ride out to Rangitoto Island. I've been able to stare out of the island every time I walk out the door of my hotel or go for a run along the shore, so it only made sense to check it out.

FYI, Rangitoto Island is the largest, youngest and one of the least modified of about 50 volcanic cones and craters in the Auckland volcanic field. It erupted from the sea in a series of dramatic explosions around 600 years ago, and is now extinct. It dominates the local seascape and a visit there is like stepping into another world. The is land is a public reserve managed by the Department of Conservation and is famed world-wide as a botanical gem.

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