Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I thought I loved skits....

until I am forced to play the same one everyday with the autodriver! The odds of them getting tired of it before me is highly unlikely....this is how it goes....
Me: Auto!!! Deshpandenagar?
Driver: Yes, please sit.
Me: (Before sitting) How much?
Driver: Rs. 80 ($1.60)
Me: Rs. 25 (50 cents)
Driver: no, no, no....ok...Rs. 50 ($1)?
Me: (looking mad/irritated...) I take this ride everyday, who are you trying to fool. Rs. 25 take it or leave it (and then I pretend to walk away like I have no cares in the world)
Autodriver comes to his senses, whistles, hoots, and hollers to get my attention that the price is right!

What's interesting is that I act out this skit EVERYTIME!!! Please autodriver when I quote a reasonable price, just say yes the first time through and get me where I want to go! - V

1 comment:

  1. hehehe. yay! i'm glad that john introduced me to your blog! ahhh the autodrivers, they certainly are a special breed.. miss you guys!
