Thursday, August 6, 2009


Bathrooms in India are notorious for being unclean. Luckily for us the office has a whole bunch of stalls for men and women with Indian and Western toilet options (it's always nice to have choices :)). Furthermore, there is liquid soap and a hand dryer! Yesterday, after I used the loo, I noticed that the two women who typically clean the office were there as well. As they watched me wash my hands they started whispering. One of them walked up to the sink and started imitating me (while the other giggled)...however, then she went on to brushing her teeth with her fingers and washing her face...the whole time smiling at me! It was incredibly also made me wonder the kinds of impressions we leave on the people here! - V

1 comment:

  1. Hi Adam And Vidya! Welcome to India! I love the volvo and I enjoyed Maine,too.Things are good here in Ohio.Happy trails to you. Ellen
