Tuesday, August 4, 2009

It's Pronounced Tal-vaalkers!

This weekend we joined a gym called Talwalkers. Yes, any regular American speaking person would pronounce it "Tall Walkers" but we learned during our fitness orientation that this is not the proper way to say it. Whatever you want to call it, it is amazing! The place is huge and has all the newest treadmills, ellipticals, and weights. When we signed up, they even gave us four free massages a piece. You cannot beat that!

We didn't find this place on our own though, and quite frankly, we didn't think that a place like this would exist in Hubli. The credit should go to Ajay Handa, who is the executive director of the Hans hotel, restaurant, and night club that is located right across the street from where the Deshpande Foundation is headquartered. For that tip alone, he will definitely be getting more of our business. Oh, and the food there is pretty good too! - A

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