Sunday, August 2, 2009

Surviving Hubli

Each day I realize that I cannot take for granted however we lived in Bangalore to be how living in Hubli is or will be. There are no meter run autos, we haggle over the price of everything, and culture in general here is quite conservative....coming from Bangalore might just make it worse compared to just showing up from come with higher expectations. Needless to say my adjustment here has been harder than Adams'. On the flip side I'm so happy to have Adam, he's been like the yogurt that you need after a spicy meal! ;) And the essence of India still runs thick...people are always willing to help, share, smile, and be curious....seeing kids running through the streets saying "hi...bye!" or the watchman who always smiles with a "Namaskara" is heart warming. - V

1 comment:

  1. Man, I miss you guys so much! I loved this post, especially the part about Adam being like yogurt. It sounds like things are tough but I'm so glad to see you are looking for comedy and beauty in everything... Cheesy, I know, but I guess I'm feeling just a little sentimental. I wish we could sit around and laugh about it all together over good beer :)
